Knihy > Vojenství, Military > Pozemné vojsko > On Display Vol.3 - British Steel

On Display Vol.3 - British Steel

Vydavatel:Canfora Publishing
Vaše cena: 709,00 CZK
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Informace o titule:
Počet stránPočet strán:96
VäzbaVäzba:mäkká (brožovaná)
Rozmery - šírkaRozmery:210
Rozmery - výškaRozmery:270

Popis titulu

The latest title in the On Display series covers an often overlooked topic: British WWII vehicles. A variety of builds are presented in a step-by-step format to provide useful tips and inspiration.

Models by Radek Pituch, Murat Ozgul, Eelke Warrink, Andreas Grewin, Johan Augustsson, Jorge Lopéz and Javier De Luelmo. Lots of colour photos.


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